Ontario Container Transport Shipping Goods around the World | Page 2
When a business has to decide which is the most cost effective and expedient form of transport
for their goods to and from their location the choice will come down to what goods they are
transporting, the time to delivery and the cost effectiveness of the transportation method.
Generally for small businesses shipping to their local partners in a supply chain will result in
using local couriers. These companies work to a 24 hours schedule and have tremendous local
knowledge and can perform the often onerous task of last mile delivery extremely well.
However, if the consignment is relatively small and the time of delivery is critical and the
distance vast then they may consider airlines. But if cost is a premium and the consignment
large or heavy then they may prefer to transport their large or heavy goods long haul. In this
case they then may well look towards rail or trucking services. Rail has the advantage of being
able to transport large unwieldy cargo over long distances but trucking has the advantage of
direct transportation from distributor to recipient across a more predictable infrastructure i.e.
without timetable scheduling. But what happens when you wish to transport goods
internationally? Also what if the good you want to ship are of large volume and weight such as
coal, grain or timber? The only option is to transport the good by sea and that is why even
today ocean transportation accounts for around 70% of all supply chain shipments.