Ontario Container Transport Shipping and Freight - A to Z | Page 5

Choosing the Best Air Shipping Services Company • Make sure the air shipping services company is insured. You have to know that the ite s ou’re shippi g ill e se ure throughout tra sit a d get to our usto ers safel . If ou’re usi g the o pa to o e our perso al ite s, it’s important to get insurance so that all the valuable items in your home are safe. • You should also be aware of the shipping options you have. Most companies have a set route that they use depending on the location where the goods need to be shipped, but you can also select the charter option so that you can customize how quickly the items will arrive at their destination. Be clear on the shippi g s hedule efore ou su it our ite s; this a , ou’ll k o he your personal items will arrive at your new address, or when to tell customers he the a e pe t to re ei e the ite s the ’ e ordered fro our o pa . The air shipping services company you use may also have discounted rates if you have a large amount of packages to ship or if you decide that you want to use the o pa for shippi g ser i es as our usi ess’ shippi g pro ider o a regular basis. • There are several different planes that are used for air shipping services, and ou’ll eed to ha e so e i for atio o the arious air rafts that ou ha e to hoose fro . S aller pla es are ideal he ou ha e fragile ite s that are ’t too large and need to be transported quickly. If you have larger fine items that need to be shipp