Ontario Container Transport All About Shipping companies | Page 4
Once you’re ready to choose a shipping company that will work for you, here are a few things to
consider. First, you should know about loading and unloading. In most cases, freight shipping companies
will provide a truck that will hold all the items from your store that need to be delivered to customers.
The loading of items onto the truck isn’t always included in the price, so be sure to ask about this,
depending on how large or fragile your items are. If the items are being shipped to another business,
there may be additional fees for this as well. Be sure to check with the shipping company about this, and
confirm all the details with your buyer so that you can appropriately charge for shipping. Since shipping
is a convenient service, you don’t want to overcharge, since this can affect your customer base.
The delivery time that the shipping company offers should also determine which organization you should
choose. People want to make sure that their products will get to them in a timely manner. You may have
to contact the buyer 24 hours before the shipment is supposed to arrive to ensure that the customer will
be available to receive the delivery. If the freight company will be delivering large items, the customer
should have all the necessary supplies and tools to receive the item. Checking with the customer ahead
of time and working with the right shipment company can make all the difference in how people view
your business.
Be sure to check the delivery location as well. the trucks that will deliver your packages are usually very
large. Make sure that the customer has enough room on his/her property to receive the shipment. A
quality shipping company will help you accommodate the customer so that you can keep business
running smoothly.