Onsite Insites by SatisFacts Research 2015 - 1st Quarter | Page 8

Responding to Online Reviews Managing your online reputation is vital to the success of your community. “Save T.H.E.M.” is an easy and effective 4-step technique for responding to online reviews. This technique helps define the steps needed to craft an appropriate and successful response. T is for Timing H is for Honesty E is for Empathy M is for Message Visit gracehill.com to learn more and scan this code to watch the Reputation Management course preview. ©Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved. Take advantage of the opportunity to respond. A quick response demonstrates management’s responsiveness and dependability, commitment to service, and a goal of addressing and resolving any issues. Respond to every review within 24 hours. Be willing to admit fault. Be willing to admit when you make a mistake and offer a resolution. You will earn the respect of prospective and current residents. View the situation from the resident’s point of view. Eliminate corporate speak. “According to our policy,” or “As stated in your lease agreement,” adds fuel to the fire and comes across as insincere. Use phrases and words that demonstrate your concern. It’s not WHAT you say. It’s HOW you say it. Leverage any positive remarks. Be clear about your intentions or next steps. Have a call to action for the reviewer that includes community contact information. Want to learn more about responding to reviews or handling negative reviews? Need help managing your online reputation? Take Grace Hill’s Reputation Management course. gracehill.com | 866.472.2344