Onsite Insites by SatisFacts Research 2014 - 4th Quarter | Page 11
more revenue and decreases turnover and
expenses. Your employees want to know you
care about them. And when they know you care,
they will be better, more productive and
happier…and so will you!
So I ask you, do your employees know that you
As a leader, engagement starts with you! In the
past many of us (myself included) felt it was an
employee’s responsibility to engage. But with
the change in generation, I believe that it’s time
for all of us to shift our thinking and become the
“good teachers” we all loved as kids.
The results are worth it!
In my experience here are some things you can
do to engage your associates and show them you
really do care.
Tell them “I know you have what it takes!”
Good leaders believe in their people, even when
their people don’t believe in themselves. By
simply telling someone, “I know you can be a
great leasing consultant!” or “I truly believe you
will make a great manager someday soon!” you
give them what they long for inside and a goal to
shoot for on the outside.
Give them the tools to do their jobs-Have you
adequately equipped your people for success?
Do they have the training they need to be
effective at what you’ve asked them to do? Do
they have the resources, tools, guidance and
leadership that they need? If you’re not
sure…ask your people!
Reward People Specifically and CreativelyEveryone has different things that will motivate
them. Some of your people would rather have a
Starbucks gift card today, than wait until the end
of the quarter for a small bonus. Some
associates don’t want an “Employee of the
Month” certificate and would rather be allowed
to leave early. Find out what specifically
motivates your people and do those things.
Know what your people really want out of their
career-then show them how to get it! Take an
interest in your people’s life and be the “good
teacher” that can show them how to go where
they want to go. You will earn their trust,
appreciation and loyalty.
About our Featured Expert
Like many of you, Rommel Anacan has been
involved with the residential property
management industry for years, and somehow
Difference Rommel worked at both the on-site
and corporate levels, where he developed a
reputation for solving common industry
challenges in uncommon ways.
Today, he works with leading companies and
organizations nationwide as a speaker, trainer
and strategist, utilizing a “Win With People”
message and approach that works.
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