Only The Keeper To Beat 19th March 2014 | Page 20

    Club:    Glenorchy  Knights  Football  Club   Coach:  Chris  Hey   Home  ground:  KGV  Football  Park   Captain:  Shae  Hickey  and  Jayden  Hey   2013  Club  Highlight:  Jayden  Hey  winning  the  inaugural  Mitsubishi  Medal   What  are  your  thoughts  on  your  first  three  fixtures?  South  Hobart  will  be  tough  first   up  but  are  beatable,  Northern  Rangers  and  Kingborough  are  teams  we  will  want  to   beat  this  year  and  finish  above  on  on  the  ladder.   What  are  your  hopes  for  the  season  ahead?    To  finish  in  the  top  four  and  play  in  the   Victory  Cup.   Biggest  rival?  Tilford  Zebras  is  always  a  big  rivalry  as  co-­‐tenants  at  KGV  Football  Park.   Who   are   your   key   signings?   Shae   Hickey,   Sam   Kruijvers,   Paul   Wicox,   Joel   Schuth,   Nick  De  Falco.   Any  major  losses  from  last  year?  No.   Who   are   the   young   players   to   watch   from   your   club?   Harry   Woolley,   Vincent   Kamano,   Aaron   Wilson,   Tyler   Harrison,   Alex   Woodham,   Ben   Robinson,   Daniel   Holmes.   Unique   club   information:   Knights   has   a   very   young   squad   again   and   will   blood   a   number  of  home  grown  players  from  our  Development  team  during  the  season.   Squad:  Aaron  Wilson,  Alex  Woodham,  Ben  Robinson,  Blayne  Hudson,  Daniel  Holmes,   Callen  Griffin,  David  Hoppitt,  Harry  Wooley,  Jal  David,  Jayden  Hey,  Jeremy  Marshall,   Joel  Schuth,  Mynonge  Kamba,  Nick  Di  Falco,  Paul  Wilcox,  Sam  Johnson,  Sam  Kruijver,   Shae  Hickey,  Tyler  Harrison,  Vincent  Kamano.