Daily Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly and monthly time sheet
Working day policies like minimum hours per day, minimum hours per period, maximum hours
per day and maximum hours per week
Billable and non-billable tasks
Time Entry Due/Over due/approvals pending Reminders and notifications
6 Types of customizable approver types (Administrator, Team Lead, Project Manager, Specific
Employee, External Client, Employee Manager)
Customizable locking options for submitted and approved timesheet
Managers can add, edit and delete timesheet on behalf of other users
Audit Trail
Alternate Approver
Tracking of different types of time records like standard, overtime etc.
Time off tracking, Time off request with fully customizable accrual engine, time off policy
Timer Control / Stop Watch
DCCA / Sarbanes Oxley Timesheet
Holiday Management
Section 508 Compliance Application