Online Safety Booklet | Page 8

and inform parents and carers of what they should be looking for in online services / apps / content that is respectful of their children ' s needs and learning capacities . What is more , by developing parents ' digital literacy skills , this will empower them to act as digital role models , providing positive examples for their children right from their earliest online experiences .
Content producers and providers Producers and providers of digital content who design , develop and distribute online content and services targeted at children up to 12 years of age probably play the biggest role in ensuring that younger generations have access to age appropriate , safe , informative and empowering online experiences from the outset .

and inform parents and carers of what they should be looking for in online services / apps / content that is respectful of their children ' s needs and learning capacities . What is more , by developing parents ' digital literacy skills , this will empower them to act as digital role models , providing positive examples for their children right from their earliest online experiences .

Content producers and providers Producers and providers of digital content who design , develop and distribute online content and services targeted at children up to 12 years of age probably play the biggest role in ensuring that younger generations have access to age appropriate , safe , informative and empowering online experiences from the outset .

Sources https :// www . betterinternetforkids . eu / en-GB / policy / better-internet https :// www . positiveonlinecontentforkids . eu / en-GB /