Online Safety Booklet | Page 16

2.4 . What is Cyberbullying ?
Cyber-bullying is the use of technological platforms to abuse or threaten , shame or target someone . Cyber-bullying takes place among young people by its definition . Sometimes , it is pretty easy to notice cyber-bullying . For example , you can understand that it is cyber-bullying when your child show you a messsage , tweet or facebook comment which is unkind , rude or ruthless . However , it can be more harder to notice other actions such as publishing personel informations , photos and videos of victim to get his / her online identitiy , to harm or shame him / her .
It is really hard to determine how many children are exposed to that situation , because ; Many children hesitate to tell their parents that they are bullied . On the other hand , the recent researches on the prevalence of cyber-bullying are showing that approximately 1 of 4 adolescents are exposed to cyber-bullying and 1 of 6 adolescents are accepting that they cyber-bully someone . In these researches , the half of adolescents , participated survey , said that they had been abused over social or digital media .
Modern bullying which is not limited to only school gardens or street corners , can happen in house environment like in school , 24 hours . Children are under risk as long as they can reach a device such as a phone , computer or tablet . Permanent preventions must be taken as soon as possible , before cyberbullying increases .

2.4 . What is Cyberbullying ?

Cyber-bullying is the use of technological platforms to abuse or threaten , shame or target someone . Cyber-bullying takes place among young people by its definition . Sometimes , it is pretty easy to notice cyber-bullying . For example , you can understand that it is cyber-bullying when your child show you a messsage , tweet or facebook comment which is unkind , rude or ruthless . However , it can be more harder to notice other actions such as publishing personel informations , photos and videos of victim to get his / her online identitiy , to harm or shame him / her .

It is really hard to determine how many children are exposed to that situation , because ; Many children hesitate to tell their parents that they are bullied . On the other hand , the recent researches on the prevalence of cyber-bullying are showing that approximately 1 of 4 adolescents are exposed to cyber-bullying and 1 of 6 adolescents are accepting that they cyber-bully someone . In these researches , the half of adolescents , participated survey , said that they had been abused over social or digital media .

Modern bullying which is not limited to only school gardens or street corners , can happen in house environment like in school , 24 hours . Children are under risk as long as they can reach a device such as a phone , computer or tablet . Permanent preventions must be taken as soon as possible , before cyberbullying increases .