Online Recruitment Market to Enter a Brief Phase of Consolidation Online Recruitment Industry: A Huge Market Just Wa | Page 2

Adroit Market Research Global Online Recruitment Market Size, Share, Industry Analysis to 2025 In 2017, the global Online Recruitment market size was xxxx million US$ and it is expected to reach xxxx million US$ by the end of xxxx, with a CAGR of xx% over the forecast period (2018-2025). Moreover, it is believed to be a field of dramatic growth and a constant change that has given birth to a dynamic multibillion-dollar industry. Besides, introducing the new opportunities, Tech world also opens up new risks and challenges. Data security and privacy are the two major concerns that are swiftly moving towards the industry as the recruitment companies also hold an immense amount of sensitive data, including contact information, work history and salary details. Process Insights To attain qualified yet skilled candidates, companies are highly focusing on staffing and recruitment to expand their workforce in a cost effective manner. The E-recruitment or commonly known as online recruitment is the process of hiring/allocating the potential candidates for a suitable and vacant job position, using electronic resources; particularly the internet. Recruiting is basically locating a particular job and allocating it with a suitable potential or preferred candidate. The online recruitment market primarily finds individuals that a recruiter or company can present to hiring managers for the purpose of employment. Usually, it starts with a job requisite (REQ) that comes in and further followed by the recruiter’s analysis over applicant’s database. Finally, the most suitable applicant is further contacted by the recruiter. Moreover, online recruiting is effectively practiced through major search engines, niche search engines & job boards as well as discussion lists. However, other virtual communities highly recommended in online recruiting market include LinkedIn, Spoke and []. +1 (214) 884-6068 [email protected]