Online MR Magazine May Edition 2016 Issue 1 | Page 41

attention to small pieces of data / information. This is to remind the power of small pieces of data – from any channel or source – customer, or dealer or employee; or anyone in the ecosystem!

Yes, a minute of open conversation with employees or a look at their tweets or status updates will provide an insight on how business is carried, clearly indicating the changes needed. Be assured, just like it’ s believed that a question expressed by one can actually be a question of many, opinions expressed by employees at ground level usually represent that of many. Many successful leaders take time to speak with employees at ground level; and often, that leads to BIG decisions – impacting the very Culture, and thereby strengthening morale and uplifting the quality of services to the clients / customers; and often, decisions on Management and Strategy, thereby the very direction of the company.

A minute taken to look at the comments of customers on Facebook or Twitter or some other portal can be a true reflection of how customers perceive or experience service delivered or product purchased. Small piece of data – but powerful enough to mirror what’ s happening in business, point to change required, and often, advise on what’ s to be done.

A minute taken to call up vendors or dealers or to look up their call records or case histories can shed light on matters of importance and concern to them – matters impacting your business. Not just these but also small pieces of information on the initiatives of competitors or opportunities in the market calls for action immediately.

Ola Cabs Mobile App for example, asks customers for reason on cancellation of booking – in a very simple straight forward way, and in a way it’ s so convenient for customers – right on the App, right at the moment of cancellation; small piece of data – but so timely, and actionable. TinyOwl, a platform for ordering food from any restaurant they’ re connected with, is another example – on processing the order, collects specific feedback on delivery time – again, very small piece of data, but so timely and actionable.

Another classic example is how in certain restaurants, soon after serving the food, the Chef or the Restaurant manager comes to ask for feedback, instead of waiting to review the feedback forms or to get a report post analysis of the same sometime later, thus making immediate action or correction possible.

That’ s the importance of specific, simple, and small pieces of Data – available across a range of platforms. While efforts on BIG data may go on, it’ s the sensitivity to small pieces of data across platforms and sources which help businesses make timely decisions towards a BIG impact.

So pick up and act on small pieces of data – towards BIG impact.

About the author:

The author serves as Consultant in the Space of Branding and Customer Experience, with TransformCX, and is doing a

research program in association with North California University. Perspective shared is out of experience working as Specialist on Keller’ s Brand Equity model, and as Consultant on other Brand Equity frameworks for over a decade.

Many successful leaders take time to speak with employees at ground level; and often, that leades to big decisions- impacting the very culture and thereby strengthening morale and uplifting the quality of services to the clients / customers; and often, decisions on management and strategy, thereby the very direction of the company

KK Chandan