Online MR Magazine May Edition 2016 Issue 1 | Page 39

Steve August: Clients can make the most of their research dollars by first starting with data they have already gathered. In my recent presentation at MRA CRC with Kelsy Saulsbury of Hallmark, one of the first things she recommended for client side researchers was to look at the collection of research that has been done previously, and resynthesize and repackage in cases where that information can speak to current business questions. Following that, the recommendation was to focus on only the most essential business questions- mapping the intersection of issues that have the most potential to be problematic for organization and are currently the least understood.


technology can then be leveraged to according to the need of each business question, but ultimately getting the most out of research dollars means working on the most pressing business questions.

Can you share some of your experiences wherein technology has helped you to better serve your clients?

How can market research agency become more of a consultant than just data provider?

Steve August: Consultants go beyond gathering, analyzing and reporting data. They engage more deeply with the client organization to understand the overall challenges facing the business and then take the information they gather, synthesize it, make recommendations, advocate for solutions and then work with clients to implement. Market research often stops once information is delivered. If an agency wants to become more of a consultant, it must engage at a consultative level and being able to recommend and help implement courses of action.

Technology has helped us in harnessing mammoth amount of data – are market researchers equipped to extract actionable information?

Steve August: I would say that classical market research has the framework to translate data into actionable information. However, the tactical processes of data science is skill set that needs to be folded into the market research toolbox.

How can clients make most of their research dollars?

Steve August: Recently FocusVision has fused the sophisticated Decipher survey platform with qualitative tools, including webcam survey open end responses InterVu webcam intercept interviews and Revelation digital ethnographies. This allowed clients such as Ebay to move quickly from quantitative to qualitative understanding and then make that understanding come alive for the organization through quant numbers supported by videos.

Your verdict: Is the marriage between technology and market research feasible?

Steve August: The marriage between tech-nology and market research is not only feasible it is absolutely necessary.