Online MR Magazine January 2017 2017 1st edition | Page 30


Thereisamyriadof onlinecommunity platformsavailable thatwerenot specificalycreated withmarketresearch inmindbutcansatisfy almostalofthe needs ofan onlinecommunitywith somesweat-equityon theprogramming backend .
A quick glimpse atthe latest GRIT Report confirms the marketresearchindustry ’ slove for the most recent market researchtechnology :
While it is great that our industry embracesthe newest technologies to help create more actionable and relevant insightsforourclients , theissue lies in adopting market research specific technologies ththatcan sometimesprice you outofwinningabid . Orifwon , could leavelitleprofitsto run yourmarketresearchbusiness . Theissueisn ’ ttheadoptionof these new technologies but ratherthetendencytorelyon technology suppliers thatare narrowlyfocusedonthemarket researchindustry . Thisisnotto say thattechnology providers focusedonthemarketresearch industry do not ofer great solutions , it ’ sjustthattheyare nottheonlygameintown .
Aprimeexampleofthisisonline communities , one ofthe most widely adopted “ emerging methods ” outlinedintherecent GRITreport . Irecentlyhosteda webinar specificaly on this topic describing how online community providers focused specificaly on the market research space ofer great solutionsbutcomewithahefty pricetag .
There is a myriad of online communityplatformsavailable that were not specificaly createdwithmarketresearchin mindbutcansatisfyalmostal of the needs of an online community with some swsweat-equity on the programmingbackend .
By utilizing a non-market research online community platform , companiescan ofer online communities at a fraction of the cost and potentialy win business that they would have otherwise beenpricedoutof . Freemium alternativessuchasVanilaand Grou . ps are greatcommunity platforms that can serve as market research online community platforms with a lilitle programming sweat equity .
Another non-market research technology resource is webcam-based interviews . This is an easier leap than online communities as webcam / phonecam technology isubiquitous . FaceTime , Skype , Wh
hatsApp , FacebookLive , and Periscope , al provide the opportunity to conduct webcam-based interviewswith zero technology costs . W hile doing webcam-based interviewsformarketresearch makesrecordingandreporting