Online MR Magazine January 2017 2017 1st edition | Page 24

Mostimportantlyausercompletingamobilesurveyisalintherearenootherdistractions . W hileonadesktop / laptop consumersarejumpingbrowsersdoingmultipleactivities .
MobileMRisstilinits infancyanditsappeal wilgrow whenwe havelargecaptive audiencestaking surveysexclusivelyon mobiles .
exclusively on mobiles . The metrosand big citieswilbe the firstto be used ascore samples . Asconnectivity and reachimprovesthereachwil expand to smalercities . W e can already see this happening and quite rapidly aswel .
Asnoteveryonehasasmart phone or even those who havemaynotbecomfortable giving surveys on mobile – doesn ’ t al this leads to skewedresults ? How wilyou liketoaddressthisproblem ?
Navin W iliams : W hen online startedexpandinginthelate 90sandearly2000sthenorm was considered to be 40 % online penetration . Mobile is way ahead of any such threshold .
Currentlymobilepenetrations globalyaverage80 +% which isquitehighandifdoneright issuficientlytomitigateany sampleskews .
Mobile survey applications must be made suitable for diferentMobileOSversions – isn ’ t this cumbersome for mobilemarketresearchers ?
NavinW iliams : Yesandno . If it ’ sanAppweneedtocover the key OSs and generaly covering iOS & Android wil cover80 +% inmostmarkets . Soit ’ sefectivelyonly2OSs . It ’ sno diferentforbrowser ( mobileonPC screens ) where we need to cover multiple screens and browsers . So there ’ s no escaping it for online either . Itsmore about scale . Ifthescaleisthere , the efortwilbeworthitandwel covered .
W hat are some of the chalenges that you have consistently faced in the mobile market research domain ? How do you deal withthem ?
Navin W iliams : Most importantlynotinvestmentis being made to grow mobile MR . It ’ saclassicchickenand egg situation . Do we invest and then get scale or get scale and then invest . Most solutionsinthemarkettoday arequitehalfbaked .
Can you share some ofyour success stories with your clients ?
Navin W iliams : W e have numerous success stories , a more recentone iswhatwe are doing using WeChat a messaging platform which has over 600 + milion active consumers on it . We are pushing surveys via the platform and geting very engagedconsumersandhigh quality responses for our numerous clients . W e have alsobeenrecentlyworkingon integrating wearable , other native tools and sensors in mobile phones to engage consumers as part of the surveyexperiencetocapture consumerjourneys . Giventhe nascentstageofalotofthese methodologiesit ’ sexcitingto see thatwe asResearcher ’ s havealotofflexibilitytobuild new research protocols and help get beter insights for ourclients using the unique featuresavailableonphones .
W hattipsyouwilliketogive to the market researchers workinginthemobiledomain – asto how theycan beter servetheirclients ?
Navin W iliams : Let your imaginationrunriot . Don ’ tget too worried aboutwhatwil work ornotatthisstage of themobilerevolution .

Mostimportantlyausercompletingamobilesurveyisalintherearenootherdistractions . W hileonadesktop / laptop consumersarejumpingbrowsersdoingmultipleactivities .