Online dog training videos Feb 2014 | Page 5

5 My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan The Online Dog Trainer Now your dog may not have touched it in months, or they may have buried it in the garden or down the back of the couch, and to us it is rubbish, worthless and irrelevant. In our human minds it has no bearing at all on the dog behavioral issues that we are experiencing and so desperate to fix. Yet to your dog this bone is their PROOF that they are the pack leader. In their minds, since they control the food, which is one of, if not the most important resource in their world, they must be the leader! So in a nutshell, as long as that bone is lying around under their control, nothing that you do can convince them that you are their master. To them that bone is like the King’s crown, the treasure chest and the golden goose all rolled into one. Very often people are actually told by trainers who do not know any better to leave bones and food toys lying around to try to keep your dog content when they are left alone. Now you will understand that whilst this all sounds very good in theory, if you think like a human, the truth of the matter is that to a dog this will cause you a lot more issues in the long run. You could in fact be setting yourself up for a lot of trouble. Its amazing really that such a simple thing as leaving bones around for the dog can lead to such huge issues because they think they are the pack leader. And remember that this is just one tiny little example of the way your dog views things. The good news is that is so easy to rectify – simply pick up the bones when your dog has finished eating them! Easy. So hopefully that gives you a good idea of what I mean when I say that to help a dog you have to think like a dog, and stop expecting them to think like humans. I have developed 5 Golden Rules to Becoming the Pack Leader which, when applied consistently, will remove as much as 95% of the problems you’re experiencing with your dog. If you’d like to learn more about them, please visit my site,, which shows you exactly how to become the pack leader without any fear or aggression: CLICK HERE In the following chapters we’ll look at just some of the tools and techniques that I use every day to help people train puppies and dogs.