OneWaterSF OneWaterSF_2017_Initiatives | Page 4

Planning OneWaterSF The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SPFUC) is committed to a new approach to water and energy resource management: OneWaterSF. We are moving away from operating within traditional water, wastewater, and energy boundaries to developing projects and programs that consider the impact of one resource on another, taking a holistic view to optimize resources and maximize benefits across the organization. In recent years, we have been realizing the benefits of projects that converge multiple resources. For example, the constructed wetland and rainwater harvesting systems at the SFPUC Headquarters building have enabled us to reuse wastewater and stormwater for non-potable uses inside and outside the building. This saves significant potable water, reduces stress on the wastewater system during heavy rains, and serves as a model for decentralized reuse throughout San Francisco. Similarly, our Solar Energy and Resource Recovery programs help us harness resources that would otherwise not be recognized, and put them to beneficial use. While the benefits of such projects and programs became evident, it was in 2016 that we began to formalize the thought process to seek out such synergies with the introduction of OneWaterSF. OneWaterSF is an integrated planning approach to managing our resources. OneWaterSF encourages new ways of thinking, creates pathways for innovation, and provides a framework that can continually evolve so that we can respond and adapt to changing conditions. Planning for flexibility will allow us to continue to support a future where our finite resources can be sustained. OneWaterSF Vision With our OneWaterSF approach, San Francisco will optimize the use of our finite water and energy resources to balance community and ecosystem needs, creating a more resilient and reliable future. 2 In October of 2016, the SFPUC published the OneWaterSF Vision document for San Francisco, which not only highlights our successes around One Water to date, but formalizes a Vision with Guiding Principles that lay the foundation for developing and implementing OneWaterSF. In this first year of implementing OneWaterSF, we are testing various projects and programs, or 2017 Initiatives, through a OneWaterSF lens to begin developing a framework and help plan for subsequent years of implementation. The 2017 Initiatives have been selected to showcase opportunities for piloting technology, working across traditional boundaries, and implementing efficient business practices. Individually and collectively, the 2017 Initiatives reflect the Guiding Principles of OneWaterSF, while also allowing for measurable progress and success within the first year. This document introduces the 2017 Initiatives, building upon the SFPUC’s Vision for OneWaterSF.