Accomplishing OneWaterSF
Conserving Resources and Promoting Ecosystem Health
Producing Fit-for-Purpose Water
Recycled Water Projects
The SFPUC has a number of projects to increase the use of recycled water in San Francisco. The SFPUC has completed construction to deliver
recycled water for irrigation at Harding Park and Fleming Golf Courses, as well as the eastside of the Sharp Park Golf Course. Currently, the
SFPUC is implementing the Westside Enhanced Water Recycling Project, which includes the construction of a new recycled water treatment
facility and almost 8 miles of new recycled water pipelines to irrigate Golden Gate Park, Lincoln Park Golf Course, and the Presidio Golf Course.
Each of these projects provides a range of benefits. By reusing effluent that would otherwise be discharged to San Francisco Bay or the Pacific
Ocean, we are protecting our receiving waters. By replacing potable water with recycled water for irrigation, we are saving precious drinking
water while diversifying our supplies.
Making Conservation a Way of Life
Water Saving Device Distribution
California is making conservation a way of life. As part of our Conservation Program, the SFPUC provides water efficient devices, incentives,
and other tools to help homes and businesses save water. Conservation devices offered for free by the SFPUC include kitchen faucet aerators,
low-flow showerhead, toilet fill valves, toilet tank dye tablets, and garden-hose shut-off nozzles. During the last year, the SFPUC distributed
over 19,000 devices, provided over 6,500 rebates, and conducted over 3,000 water-wise evaluations. These efforts will result in a lifetime
water savings over 1 billion gallons of water. By encouraging water conservation, the SFPUC can not only reduce the amount of water used but
also promote the health and quality of our local watersheds, San Francisco Bay, and the Pacific Ocean.
Using Technology to Increase Efficiency
Millions of gallons of water are lost every day due to leaks; on average, a water agency loses 10% of their supply to leaks. Although water loss
in San Francisco is 8%, the SFPUC is committed to managing water loss. One tool to assist with water loss is our Automated Water Meter
Program. Under this program, new automated water meters are now in place for more than 98% of San Francisco’s 178,000 water accounts.
The new technology transmits hourly water consumption data to the SFPUC’s billing system by wireless network. As the first major water
utility in California to fully deploy automated meter infrastructure, the SFPUC is now able to monitor and alert users of possible leaks or
unnecessary water consumption. With this early alert system, ratepayers save money and the SFPUC is able to more closely track water use
and ultimately conserve more water.
Automated Water Meter Program