One-Two Magazine November 2014 | Page 14

Children will be encouraged from an early stage to play and enjoy having the ball, we will place a high importance on individual technical skills so our players can try and be competent game players. We appreciate by developing a learning environment children will need time and patience so they can develop in their own unique way.

Our coaches and volunteers will work to allow every child the time by creating an environment that places an importance on DEVELOPING and not WINNING. As they progress through our player development programme, we

will help develop their game craft and football intelligence so they can make decisions to help them play in the larger formats of the game.

Although we place a high importance on developing their football skills, we feel it as important to develop them as people. Children will always be encouraged to be respectful, take ownership of their learning, develop leadership skills to help build them as positive citizens.

The Club feel this is important to allow all players at the younger ages to come through with the methodology of being technical in all situations, to keep possession and help the team create attacking opportunities.

The Club hope by using this approach, all players will reach a competent level for when they play the larger formats of the 9v9 and 11v11 games.

This system has caught the eye of a number of teams and coaches playing in the East Lancashire Football Alliance League and has been described as 'innovative' and 'progressive'. To find out more about AHF FC, please visit or follow the Club on Twitter @ahffc


At AHF FC, we hope to provide an opportunity for local

community children to engage in football activities that allows

for them to develop and grow to achieving their potential. As a club we understand and appreciate the importance of children being allowed to develop their skills to become positive footballers

We have implemented a unique and interesting way to

play for their young teams to help create an environment

that encourages all players to try and express technical

skill within all situations of a game.

The clubs priority at the younger ages is to encourage all

players to to try and be brave and creative on the ball

regardless of the number of opponents or situation on the

pitch. Remarkably the Goalkeepers are also encouraged

to do the same, to be the first attacker and even joining

the attack and only returning to the goal when the opposition have possession of the ball.