Legends Quick 6
with Martin James
1. Who was your biggest footballing inspiration whilst growing up? I went watching Bolton Wanderers every week from age of 5 and watched them go from Div 1 to Div 4 in 8 years!!( Rovers fans take note!).Frank Worthington and Big Sam were my heroes and then it ended up being George Oghani! Marco Van Basten was a special player who I always pretended to be in training... 2. Which team did you support growing up? Bolton- went every home game and lots of away...and that was in the Eighties when it was a bit lively on the terraces! Ended up hiding in a garden outside Maine Road at the age of 10 as was running away from a few fans!! A lot, lot safer nowadays, thank Goodness! 3. As a player what is your favourite memory ? Havent got one! To be honest played over 200 games in Football League but let myself down a bit really so dont look back !! Work very hard today in the real world mainly as I know I could have done a bit more as a kid. 4. Did you have a nick name growing up as a player? Lip! Lippy the Lion was cartoon as a child and lots of people today still use it..Jamesy a common one and fans used to use a few others that aren’t printable! 5. Who was your ?]??\?]H^Y\????[?\??\?^Y\?H]?H]?\??Y[????\?[?H?\?H\?[??[YK???H?\??]?[?[??]?????Y[?Y\??HU?H[?H??\H??[Y\??]?[??&]??[Y[??X[K????\?\??\?[??\?^Y\??
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