One Step Ahead Spring 2014, Vol. 2 | Page 15

M E M BE R C O R N E R A 3,000 METER TOUR OF MONTREAL - CHRIS MAMMONE ... Continued from page 13 It is now February 5th as I write this, and looking back I see things more clearly. After enough time passes, it’s easier to reflect. For me, the few days after a bad race the disappointment lingers and it’s frustrating to think about. Yes, I would have loved to stayed closer to the leaders and not get lapped. Yes, it was embarrassing but it happened last month and it’s finished. I will race many more times this year, some on Long Island and some elsewhere. Either way, I have to move on after a bad race but understand how to fix things in order to reach success in the next race. A famous runner once told me “Never let yourself get too high or too low after a race. It’s just a race and there will be more.” Montreal in the rear view mirror, I have more meaningful races coming up that I turn my focus towards. That’s one of the best things about our sport—there is ALWAYS another race to train and set goals for.  Chris Mammone is a member of the Bellmore Striders Racing Team, and winner of several Long Island Road Races, including the Long Island Half Marathon. He is a graduate of Valley Stream South High School and Iona College. He holds several USATF Long Island records on both the track and the road.  Track & Field Throwing Clinic Hosted By John McCree - St. Anthony High School Throws Coach Coach McCree and Coach Brancaccio (Queens College) will work one on one with campers on the technique of throwing the shot put, discus, javelin and hammer. Each camper will also be taught the proper stretching and weight/strength training to maximize distance in each specific throwing event.  GUEST CLINICIAN: US Olympic Throws Coach, Tony Naclerio. Tony was the throwing coach for the 1996 US Olympic Track & Field Team. He produced numerous 60' shot putters and 200' javeline throwers,  including the first American to throw 300' in the javelin.  Last year he had one of the top college discus throwers in the world.  DATES: Session 1: July 15, 16, 17 - Shot Put & Hammer                 Session 2: July 22, 23, 24 - Discus & Javelin (SESSION FEES - $295.00) (Prorated pricing available upon request, Session R) TIME: 4:00pm - 8:00pm AGE GROUP: 6th - 12th grade (as of September 2014) EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Shorts, T-shirt and Sneakers (Throwing implements will be provided)  REGISTRATION DEADLINE: July 10th at [email protected]  or call (631) 271-2020 ext. 226 THIS IS A CO-EDUCATIONAL CAMP FOR ATHLETES OF ALL AGES! Spring 2014 • ONE STEP AHEAD • 15