Business Efficiencies and Technologies --
Indiana has long offered economic growth incentives as critical to enticing corporation location and expansion decisions . These incentives are contingent upon companies committing to new hiring goals . However , at a time when the state is facing declining workforce numbers and businesses can benefit from technological enhancements , incentives should offer flexibility for businesses making capital investment in automation which may not result in additional hiring .
While great strides have been made toward reducing unnecessary bureaucracy , there are still significant fees and burdens on businesses seeking permitting from certain state agencies and local units . Legislative assistance in creating a clean , streamlined interface with growing companies can continue to ensure Indiana ’ s economic trajectory .
Establish sensible policies to govern the use of artificial intelligence in Indiana ’ s businesses
Minority Business Development --
We support opportunity and success initiatives to assist our minority businesses to both overcome the effects of bias and to drive innovation for regional benefit
Broadband Deployment --
One of the greatest challenges exposed by the pandemic is how a lack of access to broadband affects all aspects of work , learning and health care . With recent state and federal funding initiatives , our communities need assistance and direction in the development of broadband planning in order to maximize the funds available .
Infrastructure and Housing --
State funding for vital infrastructure projects is an investment in Indiana ’ s future . This is the time to assist communities in building and maintaining roads and bridges , water and wastewater and other systems which are essential economic growth strategies for Southern Indiana .
Infrastructure to support new housing growth is vital to our communities ’ and businesses ’ abilities to attract talent
Ensure Vitality of Healthcare Services --
Healthcare systems are facing a multitude of concerns , from worker shortages to reimbursement formulas and uncompetitive state provider taxes . We support Indiana ’ s General Assembly taking a long-lasting , solution-oriented approach to healthcare affordability to ensure the vitality of our systems across the state .