One Soci 2.0 Review – (Truth) of One Soci 2.0 and Bonus One Soci 2.0 Reviews and Bonuses-- One Soci 2.0 | Page 3
- Ad designer: design ads with the built-in image editor, or use external integrated apps
like Youzign. Included ready made ad templates
- Post analytics: see how your latest post is performing and make detailed marketing
decisions accordingly
- Cover photo preview: check out what cover photo is displayed on any of your pages,
edit it, change it...whatever you need
- Active Ads reporting: Keep track of your active ads, how they are performing and
- Templates: built in templates to use in your ads, posts, cover images etc
...and loads more!
This truly is the one Facebook tool that lets you run your entire Facebook marketing
funnel in 1 place.
There are no extra sites to visits, no other apps to log into, no complex Facebook
controls to mess with.
If you want to save time and money, and put your social media marketing on point, One
Soci 2.0 is the answer.
One Soci 2.0's Over View
One Soci 2.0's Key Features: