ONE SMALL SEED MAGAZINE Issue #26 Digital 01 | Page 39

...SCIENTIFICALLY SPEAKING If you're not a biology or physics major then words like 'neuro' and 'science' might seem irrelevant, or perhaps even intimidating. But neuroscience, which in short is defined as 'the study of the nervous system', is a field that's been attracting more than just lab rats for quite some time. Thanks to modern technology, especially the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner that gives you detailed images of brain activity, the universal question of 'Why Do We...?' is now being answered. Ninety-five percent of the decisions we make are said to be already decided on a subconscious level – so by understanding the 'Why' of what we do could potentially change the reality of what we’re doing before we even do it! With this remarkable new ability of foresight, 'planting the seed' has never been easier for those with access to the resources. A quote from Anthony Burgess' infamous cult classic Clockwork Orange states: ‘When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man.’ Something to think about... Here are a few mind-bending segments that reveal how science can help make sense of why we do things – which, up until recently, we simply haven't been able to provide concrete answers to.