One Direction 1 | Page 18


1D: What’s “One Thing” you love about each of your band-mates?

Louis Tomlinson: Niall is so carefree. When he wakes up in the morning, he’s quite miserable, but otherwise he just loves life. Liam is very sensible. If I’m going to be stupid and immature, a lot of the time it’s with Liam – we’ve really clicked. Zany’s good to just sit down and chat to about pretty much anything. At the end of the night, we just sit around and talk about our life before One Direction, or anything at all really. Harry and I have a lot in common and we’ve been really good friends from day one. I sit down and talk to him a lot.

1D: What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for a girl?

LT: I can’t really cook, but the first dish I ever made was for my girlfriend, Eleanor. I made chicken breast wrapped in ham, homemade mashed potatoes, and gravy.

1D: How did you and Eleanor meet?

LT: Eleanor was a friend of Harry’s. He worked with her friend at a local bakery. One day, Harry met up with his friend, Eleanor came, and we met.

1D: Since you have a girlfriend, are you a good wingman for the other guys?

LT: I will confess I am a great wingman. Since I have a girlfriend, I’ll start the night with her, but then I’ll help out the guys by making them sound like the most incredible guys in the world.

1D: Who is the pickiest when it comes to dating?

LT: We all go for different types of girls – I wouldn’t say one person is necessarily pickier than the others.

1D: You’re constantly on the road touring! What do you do on your tour bus to pass the time?

LT: We play cards, PlayStation, chat with each other, and watch movies. I just watched Man On A Ledge with Eleanor. I thought it was a great film.