1D: On your trip to the US, have you found that you’ve had to flirt differently with American girls than you do with British girls? Do certain moves that you're used to pulling off not work on girls here?
Zayn Malik: Well, my boy Louis here is taken.
Louis Tomlinson: Yeah, I’m taken.
Harry Styles: We don’t really have moves!
1D: Tell me about your first kiss. How did it happen?
Louis Tomlinson: I was 11. It was in my backyard because I was locked out of the house!
Zayn Malik: Mine was when I was 13. I was really short and she was really tall, so I had to put a brick against the wall and stand on it to reach her face.
1D: What about your first date?
Liam Payne: I took a girl to the movies. We went to the cinema and had dinner.
Harry Styles: I watched a film at my house with a girl. I don’t remember what we watched though!
Niall Horan: I actually haven’t been on many dates, but I like just chilling around at home and watching a movie with a girl.
1D: What else makes a girl beautiful, besides what you talk about in your song, “What Makes You Beautiful”?
Louis Tomlinson: I like a girl who doesn’t take life too seriously and is quite easy-going.
Zayn Malik: Pretty much the same thing goes for me, too. I like chilled out, relaxed girls who don’t take life too seriously.
1D: What have been some of the highlights of your U.S. tour with Big Time Rush?
Liam Payne: Going to every city, and there’s something that we do at every concert where we get the crowd to sing with us. So far every crowd has sung along. It’s so amazing to hear a crowd of people singing one of your songs. It’s the best feeling.
1D: Is there a song on your album that’s coming out that you’re really excited about that might not be getting a lot of radio play yet?
Harry Styles: I’m really excited about “One Thing”.
Liam Payne: Yeah, “One Thing”. I love “One Thing”!