One Direction 1 | Page 14

Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik has decided to make some really wise decisions for 2013. He wants to change all the bad stuff to make a healthier life style, which is great. To begin Zayn plans to stop smoking. Zayn had started smoking when he was 15 and says that it is a difficult habit to shake of but he will try because in the future he doesn’t want to be the dad that can’t jog through the park without losing his breath every ten minutes. Zayn also wants to be healthier. He told us that with the boy’s busy schedule it is really hard to eat the best you can, especially when after a tiring concert all the boys want to do is sweeten up their taste buds. Zayn has a habit of biting his lips when he is anxious or nervous, and in the New Year he wants to get rid of it. Finally Zayn plans on cutting back on his jokes. With some of his pranks Zayn crossed the lines like when he shaved a slit of Liam’s eyebrows, so the 1D boy’s sure are happy with Zany’s decision. Zayn won’t be able to do this a lone so he needs your support.