One Ark Weekly Issue 1 - 10/01/14

FACT OF THE WEEK: A crocodiles tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth. Issue 1 - January 10th 2014 UPDATE So we’re all back at work following a very festive break (hope you had a good one!) and we’re starting our new healthy eating regime. Now, if you’re not familiar with our usual office goodies, we used to have chocolate throughout the week (usually Heroes, but we were partial to a pot of Celebrations every now and then) and cookies and/or donuts on a Friday (it’s practically the weekend, so why not?). Change was needed, our colleagues were envious of our goodies and it’s not cool upsetting our colleagues, so we decided with the New Year getting underway, we’d ditch the sugary treats and opt for some natural sugar, through the wonders of fruit. And so, in place of our usual chocolate tub, we now have a variety of fruit which is going down well (so far). Elsewhere in our team; Julie-Anne is in the process of organising MORE Eco Teams sessions (so keep a look out for them), Andy is making progress with a HUGE project which will be revealed soon, Lou is looking forward to our Duke of Edinburgh expedition, Laura’s getting ready for the finale of our first ‘Win A Shop’ project, Kerry is keeping us all in check (with more fruit) and Jake is creating this thing that you’re reading now. Each week, we’ll give you an insight in to what’s happening here at One Ark. Say hello, details are at the bottom ☺ Julie- McCumiskey Munches Anne ’s EC @OneArkLaura’s recipe of the week: O TIP Chicken Stir-Fry S! Well as its raining, why not invest in a waterbutt? Slimline versions start at approximately £20 but could save you £££. This easy, 4 step recipe, makes a very tasty meal that all of the family will enjoy. Fresh, filling and cheaper than a takeaway! Find more tips & information on Twitter: @KnowsleyEcoTeam Click here to find out more! ALL ABOUT... Ever man are put down his very. And marry may table him avoid. Hard sell it were into it upon. He forbade affixed parties of assured to me windows. Happiness him nor she disposing provision. Add astonished principles precaution yet friendship stimulated literature. Want to know more? Click here! Get this deal and more! Click me! Contact us! @OneArkCo /onearkknowsley 0151 290 7000 [email protected]