Once upon today...in Europe Once upon today...in Europe | Page 2

About the project • • With the project “Once upon today…in Europe” we are inviting participants to think about history, memory, and identity.The project focuses on issues of belonging and identity in Europe. What narratives about Europe are prevalent in different local, national or other commemorative cultures? Which aspects are suppressed and which ones highlighted? How can European history be told in a way that fosters mutual understanding in Europe and brings people together? Students will try to find answers to these questions through doing research about important events that took place in their towns in the 19-20th centuries, they will share the origins of their towns’ names and legends which then will be illustrated. They will try to find some hidden stories or ‘mystery clad in marble’. They will create The Gallery of Glory depicting famous people who come from or worked in their towns. And finally they wiil discuss the burning issues common to the whole of Europe, comparing and analising. Aims • • • • • Learn about the history of local and European communities Develop mutual understanding of European history Encourage critical thinking and research, Improve language and IT skills Raise cultural awareness and tolerance Work process • • • • • • • • August – partners communicate and decide on the project plan and calendar September - pupils get to know each other, their schools and the aim of the project (profiles, email, videos,) They suggest the logo of the project and vote for the best one. October- Choosing mascotte, voting November-Mascotte real travel to dscover historic monuments of the city. Survey. December-students learn about the origin of their cities or villages. January- an important event in the history of the city/village. Students comment on the photos and pictures. February-Sharing legends about the towns, illustrating partners' narrations.Voting. March-Students are creating Gallery of Glory devoted to people who their communities are proud of. Making posters. April, May-evaluation, publishing eBook