On Your Own; Your Legal Right @ Eighteen On Your Own formatted final version | Page 65

don’t know whether the behavior is abusive, call the statewide Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-228-7395. If you and the person threatening you are dating or have dated, or are in a sexual relationship or have been in a sexual relationship, you may also file for a temporary relief from abuse order at any Vermont family court, at no cost. If the judge grants the order, it will be valid until a hearing date, which will be held within 14 days of the order date. At that hearing, after both sides have an opportunity to be heard, the judge may grant a final order for relief from abuse that usually is good for one year or more. It may be renewed at the end of that period. For more information, visit the Vermont judiciary’s website, www.vermontjudiciary.org/family/relief- abuse. The order will tell the abuser to stop abusing you, and the abuser may have to follow certain conditions, such as staying away from where you live or work or not contacting you. Sometimes the order includes temporary living expenses. Violating a relief from abuse order is a crime. There are other criminal law protections available through and enforced by the police. You do not have to choose between family court and the police to get protection from abuse; both the family and criminal courts can protect you in different ways. Sexual Violence It is a crime to engage in a sexual act with a person without getting their consent first. This is true even if the two people know each other or have been dating for a long period of time. It’s true even if the people have engaged in sexual activity before. In fact, in most instances of sexual assault, the perpetrator and victim know each other. Non-consent includes force through physical violence, but it also includes threats, intimidation, and using drugs or alcohol to take advantage of the victim. It is a crime to engage in a sexual act with someone under the age of 16, regardless of whether or not that person consents, unless both people involved are between 15 and 19 years old, and the act is consensual. Even 61 61