Welcome back to On Your Doorstep Magazine. It gives me sat in front of our computers longing for the solace and
enormous pleasure to bring you our next issue. sense of wellbeing that comes from being outdoors? Her
celebration of the national park system in the US is a
As always, we celebrate the incredible beauty of Mother
timely one.
Nature and, through that, encourage people to do just
that little more to protect her. I also invite you to look Painter Heather Miller marks our return to including not
around and marvel at the natural beauty that’s on your just photographers in the pages of the magazine. Much
own doorsteps. This time we’re travelling back to Canada of the land around where she lives in England is farmed,
and Italy, and exploring England and Scotland in greater and the changing seasons and natural colour palette are
depth. You’ll see literal and abstract expressions of nature’s evidenced by the rhythm of the planting, growing and
immense beauty. harvesting of the crops. Her vibrant paintings are a real
celebration of that.
In this issue I’m excited to be including, for the first time,
the work of two MA Fine Art students. It’s important In Jottings, Ramblings, Reflections, On Your Doorstep
to engage everyone, of course, but getting this next Magazine co-founder, Mick Thurman, celebrates the
generation of adults to be ambassadors for nature will humble reflection and the many memories they evoke
ensure that the fight to save of our planet continues. Emilie for him. If you want to learn about the struggles that go
Nunn and Jodie Hogarth bring a fresh, delicate aesthetic, into producing a piece for this magazine, you can read
and their art asks us to look deeper than the surface. his full story in our blog
I’m incredibly pleased to be sharing with you more of
Adriana Benetti Longhini’s work. Her celebration of the Producing a magazine like On Your Doorstep is an
Asiago region in Italy, more famous for its cheese than for expensive business. The costs of the hosting platform,
its magnificent landscapes, is inspiring. the resources and the time needed to produce each
issue all add up, and Mick and I pay for this from our
Some of us like walking in nature when the sun is out
own pockets. It’s definitely a labour of love.
but shelter indoors at the first sign of “weather”. Even
photographers do that, chasing after the “golden” hours Through the link on the left page, I hope you’ll consider
at sunrise and sunset, and ignoring the marvellous sights becoming a patron of the Magazine; your support will
that dark, rain, snow, and even smoke can bring. Dani allow us to continue to grow and explore new ways of
LeFrancois reminds us that appreciation of nature and helping people engage with nature.
photography “shouldn’t be about limits but rather about
pushing the limits of ourselves and our creativity”.
In the meantime, sit back, kick off your shoes, grab a cup
of tea (or a glass of wine if you prefer} and enjoy!
I defy you not to enjoy Maine-based Shannon Kalahan’s
writing as much as you will her photographic exploration Karen Thurman
of Acadia National Park in the US. How many of us have Editor