The Altopiano di Asiago or Altopiano dei Sette Comuni, (Plateau Until the middle of the nineteenth century many of the people
of Asiago) is situated in the Veneto region of North Eastern of Asiago spoke Cimbrian, an ancient German dialect. This is
Italy and is a large plateau near the border of the Trentino-Alto also the birthplace of the world famous author Mario Rigoni
Adige/Südtirol regions in the foothills of the Alps. The region Stern, and he features the Altopiano di Asiago prominently in
is the origin of Asiago cheese which is a major Italian DOP his stories.
(Protected Designation of Origin) cheese and a minor township,
population of roughly 6,500. The town was the site of a battle During the spring, summer and autumn seasons the Altopiano
between Austrian and Italian forces on the Alpine Front of of Asiago is a spectacular area for walking, hiking and mountain
World War I. Author Ernest Hemingway fought here. biking, with more than 500km of tracks available. During the
winter months, snow conditions permitting, it becomes a
Edward Harold Brittain, MC was a British Army officer who was
destination for winter sports, particularly cross- country skiing.
killed in the First World War (1918) and buried in the Granezza
British Military cemetery on the plateau. He was immortalized Situated on the Plateau of Asiago are the Plains of Marcésina,
by his sister Vera Brittain in her memoirs “Testament of Youth” one of my favourite places, an unspoilt and little known area
which was subsequently made into a film. In1970 Vera’s ashes outside of the plateau and world in general.
were scattered on his grave.
An autumn sunrise