Welcome back to On Your Doorstep Magazine. It gives me State. Italian Adriana Benetti Longhini recently moved to
enormous pleasure to bring you our next bumper issue. her ancestral homeland of Asiago in Italy and is exploring
Since we’ve been gone for a while, I wanted to make this a terrain that’s very different from the African lands she
issue an extra-special one, so, we’re bringing you more grew up in. American Holly Davison captures the rugged
artists and artworks than ever before. beauty of Alaska in a series of images that also show the
area’s diversity. Midwesterner Laura Zirino describes
In Issue 6, as always, we celebrate the incredible beauty the healing journey she underwent during a landscape
of Mother Nature and, through that, encourage people photography workshop; it’s an engaging story about the
to do just that little more to protect her. I also invite you power of the land to bring about profound change for
to look around and marvel at the natural beauty that’s on the better. I’ve never been to Newfoundland but, having
your own doorsteps. This time we’re doing it exclusively seen Canadian Lori Ryerson’s images, I feel like I know it
with photography, an incredibly effective medium for well.
conveying the awe we feel when we’re face-to-face with
the landscapes and seascapes around us.
Producing a magazine like On Your Doorstep is an
expensive business. The costs of the hosting platform,
This issue also redresseses an imbalance in the world of the resources and the time needed to produce each
photographic publications, where women are woefully issue all add up, and Mick and I pay for this from our
under-represented, so it’s all women, all photography, all own pockets. It’s definitely a labour or love.
landscapes. Each artist brings her own sensibilities, her
own views and her own love of her home, and I know you’ll We decided to experiment with other ways to deliver
enjoy what you see. our beloved magazine and none of them worked as well
as the digital platform we had been using. This was truly
Nicki Gwynn-Jones, our cover star, lives in Orkney a case of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. So, we’ve come
(Scotland) and has been known to stay out through the back to the digital magazine format, dusted the cobwebs
night in summer, enjoying the long daylight hours and off the template we use and gotten to work on our first
photographing the world that’s literally on her doorstep. new issue in a year!
Canadian Kas Stone turned her love of exploring and
photographing wild landscapes into a career more than I hope you’ll consider becoming a patron of the
a decade ago. She and her cat Harris travel extensively, Magazine; your support will allow us to continue to grow
especially in autumn and winter, yet never stray very far and explore new ways of helping people engage with
from their beautiful home on Nova Scotia’s south shore. UK nature.
artist Phil Starkey tells us about exploring her new doorstep
in the wilds of Devon, having moved from Cornwall after 28 So, sit back, kick off your shoes, grab a cup of tea (or a
years. Both are incredibly scenic parts of the country, glass of wine if you prefer} and enjoy!
Pacific Northwest native Tina Arnold brings us magical Karen Thurman
views from the very popular Mount Rainier in Washington Editor