The Healing Power of Nature
art is very pretty and soothing. It took my mind off a lot
of things.”
When we moved to Atlanta (Georgia, USA) ten years ago,
I was happily surprised at how green it was for such a To strengthen this point, there is a growing body of
large, urban area. Though development has thinned the research showing that access to nature or to nature-
canopy, there are still a lot of wonderful big trees; there based art in healing environments [hospitals, clinics,
are numerous pocket parks scattered through the many nursing homes, rehab centers, etc] enhances the healing
neighborhoods across the city. Creeks flow in many process.
areas and provide habitat for an array of wildlife. All this
access to nature in my immediate environs makes being in “Recent studies suggest that nature can help our brain
‘metropolis’ much more livable for me. and bodies stay healthy….
Scientists are beginning to find evidence that being in
In my work as a nature photographer, I continually am nature has a profound impact on our brains and our
aware that being in nature inspires my creativity. As noted behavior, helping us to reduce anxiety, brooding, and
in my photo essay in this issue, I seek out natural spaces, stress, and increase our attention capacity, creativity,
with flora and water, to be captivated, to be pulled into a and our ability to connect with other people.”
freer, healthier space – physically and emotionally. Many “How Nature Can Make You Kinder, Happier, and More
times I have had the experience of waking up with aches Creative,” by Jill Suttie. Greater Good Science Center,
and pains that make it hard to get going. Yet, if I push 2016.
myself to grab my camera gear and head out to a garden or
park to soak up the natural beauty to be found there, and Providing patients, families and staff with access to
find the images it has to offer me, my body is transformed nature by providing indoor and outdoor gardens, views
to be more supple and mostly pain free. At times it feels of nature through windows, and artwork of nature
almost miraculous. scenes can relieve stress, “Healing arts – nutrition for the
soul,” by R. Ulrich and L. Gilpin. Putting Patients First,
A version of this same experience occurs when I spend
time looking at or working with my images and prints. I feel
buoyed up and less stressed. After noticing these patterns In all of this lies the clear message that being in
in myself, I became aware that many others have similar and around nature is good for us all. The challenge
experiences, both with being healed through experiences in then is how do we afford ourselves and others more
nature and from engaging with nature-based art. opportunities to embrace this message in as many ways
Two comments left by recent exhibit viewers support that as possible. What does this inspire you to do? How can
perception. “There is a peace and calmness in nature and you expand access to the natural world, either directly or
your incredible photographs capture it perfectly.” And, “The through nature-based art or other means?