On Vacation Guide Book Piran | Page 5

Settle into your seat and enjoy the flight. Our Cheap flights to Europe cabin crew will look after the rest. Our highly Discover the charms of Europe's capitals. We professional cabin crew ensure a pleasant connect Slovenia and SE Europe with the atmosphere aboard the aircraft and thanks to world. Fly with us! their training you will be in safe hands Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Kiev, Ljubljana, London, Malmö, Manchester, Friendly flight attendants will help you find Maribor, Moscow, Munich, Paris, Podgorica, your seat, stow your hand baggage, provide a Portoro , Prague, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje, safety briefing, serve food and drink and offer Tirana, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb, assistance should you feel unwell. Zurich Our cabin crew speak several languages, so Our fleet of three Airbus A319, seven communication is never a problem. With their Bombardier CRJ900LR and three Bombardier high level of training, good general CRJ700ER aircraft has just got bigger, thanks knowledge, professional appearance and to the addition of ten aircraft from Adria adaptability, our cabin crew are able to Airways Switzerland, and we have expanded satisfy the needs of the most demanding our route network. passengers and charter clients. Our cabin crew look after well-being of all passengers and are fully trained to assist special categories of passengers such as children and passengers with special needs. ž throughout the flight.