Do you love a massage? Or facial
treatments, aromatherapy or
warm body wrapping? Most of us
will not hesitate to answer "Yes, of
course, I LOOOVE it!"
The ancient Romans have already Price list:
discovered the Path of Health, or – 2 HOURS – €9,00 FOR 1 PERSON
Rivo della salute, which runs past (HOTEL GUESTS)
Hotel Piran and has been known 4 HOURS – €19,00 FOR 1 PERSON
for its beneficial effects for over a (HOTEL GUESTS)
hundred years. In Aromatherapy 2 HOURS – €19,00 FOR 1 PERSON
Boutique, where the experiences (EXTERNAL VISITORS)
of Hotel Piran are being unified, 4 HOURS – €29,00 FOR 1 PERSON
you can relax in the ideal (EXTERNAL VISITORS)
combination of the air element, 4 HOURS PURCHASE WITH
aerosols and salty sea water. SPARKLING WINE – €89,00