On Vacation Guide Book Paris | Page 36

5 . T H E M U S E U M O F T H E L E G I O N O F H O N O R A N D T H E O R D E R S O F C H I V A L R Y 2 RUE DE LA LÉGION D'HONNEUR Located in the Hotel de Salm , opposite the Musee d ' Orsay , the Museum of the Legion of Honor and the Order of Chivalry is ready to display the world ' s unique collection of medals . Interactive screens tell the history of French awards since the Middle Ages and represent the current functioning of national orders . In 1911 , the passionate collector and two members of the Grand Chancellery organized an exhibition of French ornaments and the Legion of Honor in the Museum of Decorations . The success of the exhibition prompted the idea of creating a museum in the Palace of the Legion of Honor . After the First World War , the former wing of the palace was transformed into a museum by the great chancellor - general , Dubai , who sought to honour the fame of French citizens and foreigners affected by the war . The reconstruction of the building , led by architect Jean de la Molinari , a native of Rheims , was financed by charitable contributions from the Legion of Honor and holders of various military medals . In 1932 the Museum was expanded to accommodate foreign collections , which were gradually added to the collection for many years . On the occasion of the bicentenary of the Legion of Honor in 2006 , the museum was completely renovated thanks to sponsors . It was opened by French President Jacques Chirac . The exhibition space was doubled , and the rebuilt rooms retained the original charm of the interior architecture .