On Vacation Guide Book Paris | Page 29

P The medieval Louvre was largely lost during the modernization of the castle , caused by the Renaissance . Striving to succeed when the monarchy failed , the French Revolution opened the museum in the Louvre , first as a symbolic act on August 10 , 1793 , and then more regularly from October next year . The public could see about six hundred paintings from royal collections , as well as some art objects and antique busts on top of the columns . The nationalization of the property of the clergy , the seizure of goods from the nobility who fled from France , and the military campaigns of the French revolutionary wars in the Netherlands and Italy increased the number and nature of the collections . During the reign of Napoleon I the museum was completely devoted to the presentation of collections . The museum continued to expand with new rooms . In 1820 , Venus Milo , acquired in 1820 , was acquired . The purchase of the collections of Durand and Salt in 1824 and 1826 allowed the creation of real Egyptian collections . The acquisition of the Révoil collection spawned a section of decorative arts from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance . The Louvre also restored a large number of French sculptures from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries , which had previously been exhibited in the " Museum of Monuments of Francisco ", which was closed in 1816 . The second republic , proclaiming the " right to work ", launched a major construction program , which included , in particular , the restoration of the Louvre , which became the " People ' s Palace ". Responsible for this was the architect Felix Duban , who worked on the decor of the gallery " Apollo ", as well as the facades of the " Little Gallery " and " The Great Gallery ." With him , the palace reached the level of a " historical monument " - to use the terminology recently adopted by the recently overthrown July monarchy . The fall of the Empire , the destruction of the Tuileries and the removal of power might have meant the triumph of the museum in the Louvre . But in fact the beginning of the Third Republic was difficult for the institution . Two unfortunate incidents seem to sum up this difficult period : the purchase in 1896 of the tiara Saitafern , which turned out to be a fake , and the theft of the Mona Lisa in 1911 . After the First World War , the Louvre conducted several major reconstruction programs . In the interwar period , director Henry Verne launched an ambitious and rational plan for the restructuring of collections and the modernization of exhibition halls . Equipped with electricity , the Louvre could now be opened for visitors at night . After 1945 , Georges Salles continued to implement Vern ' s plan . Minister of Culture Malraux also remembered the palace character of the Louvre and urged to clean the facade . The Grand Louvre , the initiative of the French President François Mitterrand , marked the triumph of the museum , which finally occupied almost the entire building ( with the exception of the wing of Marsan , still dedicated to decorative art ) after the planned departure of the Ministry of Finance .