On Vacation Guide Book Moscow | Page 32

The Bolshoi Theatre Teatralnaya Square 1  | daily Perfomance | www.bolshoi.ru On March 28  1776, Catherine II signed a On October 29, 2002, the theater troupe received a New “privilege” to prince Pyotr Urusov for the Stage, on which its activities took place during the years of maintenance of performances, masquerades, large-scale reconstruction of a historic building.  balls, and other amusements for a period of ten This reconstruction lasted from July 1, 2005 to October 28, years. This date is considered the day of the 2011. It revived many of the lost features of the historic founding of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. building of the famous building and at the same time placed it among the most technically equipped theater buildings in The building of the Bolshoi, which for many years the world. The Bolshoi Theater is a stable symbol of Russia has been perceived by all as one of the main for all times. He received this honorable role thanks to the attractions of Moscow, opened on August 20, 1856 great contribution he made to the history of Russian art. The during the coronation of Alexander II. story continues - and many bright pages in it are still written by artists of the Bolshoi Theater.