Sarıkamış Cıbıltepe Ski Centre has a rarely Skiing is available in Sarıkamış Ski Centre 7km
seen crystal snow on the tracks. Although through the Sarıçam Forest. Total track length
most days of the year is sunny at Sarıkamış of the centre reaches upto 17km. Also there
Ski Centre the snow does not lose that exists a cross country area of which 5km is
property and there is no risk of an avalanche registered by FIS (International Ski
because the tracks in Sarıkamış Ski Centre Federation). (Total length is 50km)
have been surrounded by a yellow pine forest
and are protected against the wind. Sarıkamış The hotels in Sarıkamış Ski Centre are 45km
Ski resort beginning just beside Çamkıran in away from Kars and 110km away from
Sarıkamış Ski Centre has a 2400 people Erzurum. The hotels have transfers to the
capacitied computer hardware chair lift airport. The first option for people who want
system. There are two stages consisting of 5 access to Sarıkamış Ski Centre by land is by
tracks at miscellaneous difficulty levels. The Giresun-Tirebol-Torul-Erzincan-Erzurum-
Cıbıltepe at 2700m altitude inrent your car Sarıkamış. The second option Trabzon-
today by Sarıkamış Ski Erzurum-Sarıkamış, the third one is Hopa-
Centre. First stage in Sarıkamış Ski Centre is Artvşn-Kars-Sarıkamış from middle Anatolia,
for the beginners and 2400m long, the second Ankara-Yozgat-Sivas-Erzincan-Erzurum-Kars
stage is 2200m long and has 4 tracks. route would be a preferred choice..