on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 91

Although recent statistics indicate that approximately 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes every year in the United States , drinking has still become widely prevalent and accepted in modern society . There is no " war " on alcohol , unlike other drugs . Between the ease of getting alcohol in markets , bars , and restaurants , billions of dollars spent each year in advertising , and encouragement to imbibe during celebrations and holidays , it is easy to see how Americans are subtly influenced as to the merits of alcohol consumption , and how drinking has become intimately ingrained in the fabric of modern society
Enter Annie Grace , author of the compelling new book , This Naked Mind : Control Alcohol : Find Freedom , Rediscover Happiness , and Change Your Life . Through extensive research , Annie discovered why alcohol is so prevalent in modern life .
She believes each person ' s " unconscious mind " has been conditioned to regard alcohol as vital to enjoyment , relaxation , and social situations . Since our unconscious minds retain a strong desire to drink , trying to make a conscious decision to stop or limit alcohol consumption is often difficult or even impossible in some cases . Worse , Annie argues that conflict between one ' s conscious and unconscious mind creates an internal struggle - known as cognitive dissonance - which leads to pain and stress . Since many people drink to deal with stress , anxiety , and depression , a never-ending cycle of drinking can result .
“ By treating the unconscious desire to drink , we can align that unconscious desire for alcohol with conscious desire ,” says Annie . “ This brings internal peace and removes the inexplicable desire to drink that still exists after someone has determined they want to drink less . With the unconscious desire to drink removed , an individual is able to drink less , or stop drinking without any feeling of pain , deprivation or stigma .”
A must read available at thisnakedmind . com and amazon
Annie Grace grew up in a one-room log cabin without running water and electricity outside Aspen , Colorado . After she discovered her passion for marketing , she worked in corporate America . By the age of 26 , she was the youngest vice president in a multi-national corporation and began drinking earnestly . By age 35 , she was a C-level global marketing executive and was responsible for marketing in 28 countries . During that time , she routinely consumed a bottle of wine each evening .
Knowing she had to change her lifestyle , but unwilling to submit to a life of deprivation , she searched for a painless way to regain control of her life . Annie no longer drinks and has never been happier . She left her job as an executive to write This Naked Mind .
She holds a dual degree in business - marketing and entrepreneurship - with a minor in Spanish from Colorado State University , and a master ’ s degree in marketing from the University of Colorado .
A true world traveler , Annie has visited 26 countries ( and counting ). She currently lives in the Colorado mountains with her two sons and husband .