on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 88

The Sell: The Secrets of Selling Anything to Anyone Fredrik Eklund with Bruce Littlefield Today we know Fredrik Eklund as one of the most successful sellers in the competitive real estate industry, brokering deals for celebrities and starring in the popular television series Million Dollar Listing New York. But ten years ago, this Swede came to New York City with no more than a pair of sneakers. He had no contacts and no real estate license. Fredrik's meteoric rise from selling Christmas calendars to Akalla grannies to leading the number one real estate sales team in the country is more than dumb luck. He contends that a true salesman not only researches, gathers knowledge and is committed, but is also honest, transparent and true to his word. People do business with people they can like and trust. Essentially the salesman has to sell himself before selling the product. It's a matter of perception, passion and identifying opportunities to play to your strengths. It's also about being level headed and realizing that success is but a fickle friend, temporary and fleeting. The Sell is the staple manual for self promotion and tactical genius. Combining personal stories and gritty expertise, Fredrik disburses what it means to step outside your minuscule solar system. It is of relevance to everyone because we are almost always selling. It could be convincing your three year old for early bedtime or creating an attractive profile on Match.com; selling is intrinsic to human life. There is however love, spirituality, family; things that are priceless. The rest is in Fredrik's words, negotiable. www.fredrikeklund.com Review by - Nritya Ramani As a mother of 3, wife, Doctor of Pharmacy, and business owner, Tali Alexander has fulfilled her passion of writing with her first romance novel "Love In Rewind". Since its debut, fans have embraced the unconventional love story of Emily and Louis Bruel making "Love In Rewind" #1 on Amazon's Kindle charts (September 6, 2014). With an increasing demand from her fan-base for the next story installment, Tali has recently released the next story in the Audio Fools series..."Lies In Rewind" OUT NOW!!!! www.talialexander.com Sponsored by - Tali Alexander