on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 66

30 Day Closet Challenge I love spring it is one of my favorite times of the year however I’m sure like many of you out there you fall victim to the ‘I MUST REFRESH my wardrobe syndrome’. I know I do then I go out and spend a boat load of money on new clothes that sit in my closet because I simply defaulted to my go-to outfits. In an effort to spend less and to wear more of those clothes that are hanging in your closest, I challenge you to the 30 Day Closet Challenge. During this 30 day challenge you will wear all those items that haven’t been worn (I’m guilty of some items still having tags) or have been hiding in the back of the closet. So before you run out and buy those cute new shorts for spring join me for the 30-day closet challenge not only will it force you to wear things you’ve never worn before you will also clean out your closet. Here are the rules: Each day you must wear one piece of clothing you haven’t worn yet this season. You cannot wear the same outfit twice No buying new clothes I like to post all my outfits on instagram each day and get feedback on if I should keep it or toss it. Anything that isn’t a keeper I put up for sale on poshmark so someone else can love the item. This also frees up space in my closet and keeps me away from all those items that just sit there. Happy Closet Challenge Share your outfit of the day with on trend magazine on instagram @ontrendmagazine #ontrend Written by - Jamie Palmer