on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 58

Women often do this intuitively, without really being aware of what they are doing. They do exactly what I also do today when I am emotionally activated: they call their best friend and talk the whole thing over to get it off their chest. If it is a good best friend, she will not confirm our exaggerated accusations. Instead, she will just lovingly lend us an ear, just the way our parents did when we were kids. After no more than five minutes — ok, maybe sometimes ten when the charge was particularly big — I come to my senses once again and things are back in perspective. After this, I am again able to see my partner for who he really is: a good man, who occasionally runs late but really has the best of intentions with me. After this kind of release, during which I will often say all sorts of things I don’t really mean, I am able to see my own needs clearly and can communicate clearly and calmly to my partner. I have discharged consciously. My girlfriend knows, that I didn’t really mean everything I said, but just had to get it out of my system. Maybe my partner would have also known, yet for him it would be much harder to not take it personally if I say things, that are really not fair. In many cases, people still notice it years later when they happen to come in contact with an ex where emotional charges played an unhealthy role. Even the smallest contact can trigger strong emotional waves, demanding an opportunity to discharge. To each his own Regardless of whether it is an ex, my current partner, my boss or my child who triggers a spontaneous explosion — the charge is mine. In order to deal with it constructively, it is inevitable that I take responsibility for it — and that I leave the responsibility for the charges of other people, which I happen to trigger, with them. Both can be really difficult in practice, initially it might even seem downright impossible. Yet, it really is a matter of practice: each time I succeed in dealing with a charge responsibly, it becomes a little easier until it actually becomes normal. When this happens, we have passed an important milestone of emotional maturity. Now we can even confront each other with really strong emotional charges without it being a problem. On the contrary! When both partners have learned what these emotional tsunamis are about and how we can deal with Beware of Toxic Waste them appropriately, these situations actually become an opportunity for a deeper level of A lack of awareness in how we deal with true contact and intimacy. We can be emotional charges can be extremely dangerous vulnerable with each other, showing our for our relationships and many couples weaknesses, rough spots and edgy parts. And inadvertently jeopardize their relationship by we know, that we all need support sometimes failing to distinguish feelings and emotions. It to cope with certain situations. is natural for those closest to us to trigger our biggest emotional charges. That’s why it’s Written By Vivian Dittmar important to deal with them consciously. Author of The Power of Feelings A failure to do so most likely results in mutual emotional activations. Sooner or later, the Website: VivianDittmar.com whole field of our relationship is poisoned or mined even, turning even the most seemingly Books are available on VivianDittmar.com and harmless conversations into veritable Amazon.com. E-books are also available on minefields. Left unchecked, the final stop in Kindle. this journey is a painful breakup, often leaving both partners bewildered as to what really happened.