on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 55

SPRING CLEAN YOUR NEGATIVE THINKING Spring is the time of year for early blossoms and green buds. We plant tulips in the wintertime and wait for spring to see their colorful petals decorating our garden. It takes time for the growth to happen, but if you appreciate their beauty, it is well worth the wait. Now imagine that your mind is that tulip bulb. It needs to be in supportive, nutrient rich soil to absorb the necessities needed for its development. on this scale, you are unlikely to prioritize this change. If you score in between 4 and 6 on the scale, ask yourself what it would take to increase your score. Your goal is to consider this change important enough, as reflected by a score of at least a 7, that you will feel energized. Motion. If you have reached this final step, you have decided that changing your thinking is a worthwhile exercise and you are willing to invest time and effort into it. To really capture the pattern that you are stuck in, get into the If you are finding yourself stuck in a pattern of habit of using a thought log. You can find negative thinking, the kind that leads you to be templates online or make your own. Jot down judgmental, self-critical, thinking in extremes, what happened, what your interpretation of the or predicting the future, you need some spring event was, how it made your feel, and what you cleaning. did as a consequence. This simple pattern will show you the correlation between your The soil in which your mind can get enriched is thinking or interpretation and your feeling. You your mindset. You don't have to stay stuck. You can easily see if your thinking is unhelpful if it just need three important ingredients to make leads to feelings of sadness, anxiety, anger, your mindset nutrient rich: disappointment, guilt, or frustration. In those cases, ask yourself: what is a more balanced Mindfulness. You need to be mindful of your way to look at this situation? Once you come thinking pattern. So often, we are on autopilot up with some alternatives, ask yourself for each in the way that we think about events around one how these thoughts make you feel. You us. We don't give our thinking a second will know when a thought is helpful by how thought. The act of mindfulness is actually an you feel when you think it. exercise of metacognition, or thinking about your thinking. Be on the lookout for your Follow the three steps above and be patient unhelpful thinking pattern and you will be on with the process. It takes 30 days to break a your way to change. habit. Tulips don't grow in a day and mindsets don't change overnight. Get started now and Motivation. Now that you are aware of your your mind will blossom before you know it. pattern, you need to actually want a change badly enough to put in the effort. Ask yourself, Written by Dr. Sharon Grossman, Psychologist how important is this change to me on a scale and Life Coach helping people live the lifestyle of 1 to 10 (1 = not at all important; 10 = they desire by reverse engineering their extremely important). If you score 3 or lower thinking.