on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 38

health fitness

9 Steps to Losing 12 Pounds in 90 Days

Step 1 : Change your story .

Before embarking on any change , you must ask yourself what it would mean to you to attain your goal . Visualize yourself at your desired weight . Then dig down and find any story that you attach to your current weight that has in the past prevented you from losing weight . If you are telling yourself that you don ' t deserve to look good , or that you are just big boned and won ' t ever be thin , you will end up sabotaging yourself . You must shed the story before you can shed the weight . Replace the negative thinking with a more positive message , such as " I am enough " or " I deserve to have the life I want ." Practice this mantra over and over again until you are successful in rewiring your brain to think in that way . Then you can jump to the next step .
Many of us who are interested in making a change , especially if we perceive it as a painful process , are looking for a quick fix . Weight loss is one example . We feel frustrated about how easily we put on the pounds , but how slow the process of losing weight can be . It requires planning , physical effort and time .
While I am not a weight loss expert , I have learned a lot about what helps people be successful or fail in this process . One sure way to impede your success is looking for a quick fix or fixate on calorie counting . Here is a different approach that can lead to more sustainable results and long-lasting health

“ Drink a large glass of water before each meal . This will ensure that your portion size is smaller .“