on trend magazine issue 1 | Page 83

Let Career Opportunities Find You F requently I’ll be looking at a group or community on social media such as FaceBook or Google+. I’ll be impressed with what I read and I’ll want to follow up with the person posting. Possibly, I’ll even want to do business with them some day. I click on their name and I find their page is completely private. Perhaps, I’m able to post a message to their other folder, perhaps not. The net result is a lost opportunity. This is probably not a problem for someone who likes a lot of privacy and does not ever want to be involved with selling a product or finding a job. On the other hand, if the individual posting is interested in selling products or services or finding a great position, they may really be missing a great opportunity. Never know… Whenever I visit a tourist area I have my camera with me. I make many photos of nature and scenery. On occasion an individual or a family will ask me to make a photo of them. I virtually always say yes. On other occasions I’ll see families making incomplete photos because someone has to make the picture. I’ll also see people missing what they really want to make because selfies don’t always work. I’ll offer to make some photos for them. On some occasions I even end up making surprise engagement or anniversary photos for couples. If I enjoy working with the people I photograph I’ll offer them a scenic postcard and a business card which says I enjoyed taking your family photos. Please visit SlideShare to view my Education by Entertainment and scenic albums. I’m confident that if I were a photographer I would have found some new clients simply by offering to help and giving out some inexpensive cards. Thus far, several people have expressed interest in my programs whom I never would have met and I have done consulting for someone I met this way. In a similar manner, I recommend that everyone carry their business cards and try to collect some cards from the right people, too. For example, if you are a student working in a resort area you may meet some corporate executive visitors who may want to hire you. If you sell products online or in-person someone you meet may want to buy from you. Seek opportunities to help out and be visible. Are you attending a conference? Maybe there are opportunities for you to help at the information booth. If so, you may find that there are a few people whom you meet that you would like to stay in touch with. Exchange contact information (including your business cards). If you enjoy being on stage, you might even consider being an on stage volunteer for a game show. Never know who in the audience may want to hire you. I lead TV style game shows at conventions, conferences, businesses, schools, colleges and universities. Several of my on stage contestants have received job interview offers for professional positions and other great networking opportunities from members of the audience. For example, I met Dr. Margarita Cossuto, who reviews most of my articles for On Trend Magazine and other publications and presents with me on occasion, when she was an enthusiastic on-stage participant at one of my programs at a psychology convention. Tya Ramani, who is an awesome columnist for On Trend, and I met when Tya celebrated her birthday as an on-stage contestant at a behavioral science convention. I first met Dr. Janet Creaser and Anastasiya Tsoy, who have presented with me, when they were awesome participants in my programs. I’m hoping to see some of Janet’s articles in future issues of On Trend, and you’ve seen Anastasiya’s photo in many past issues of magazines I contribute to. Recommendation: If you want to be found check your social media, always carry business cards, and volunteer to help in places where you will be visible. 1I would like to thank Dr. Margarita Posada Cossuto for helpful comments. By - Dr Ronald Shapiro PhD Education By Entertainment educationbyentertainment.com