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Used cars from JAPAN: Is it safe to shop?

Remember people be careful of the scammers out there and make sure you only deal with legitimate licensed registered companies who are actual Authorised Auction Agents, JUMVEA (Japan Used Motor Vehicle Exporters Association) members can be verified so bare that in mind when making your choice of who to use.

Remember also all the scammers who come to Japan as English teachers hook up with some one in Japan who has auction membership and then runs off with all the punters money, I can name atleast half a dozen just off the top of my head.

Also be wary of those who claim to be based in Japan but are actually off shore and only using a Japanese company as an agent or partner, you will have no claim or recourse on them when it all goes wrong.

We would hate to see that happen to YOU.

Deal with legit Licensed Dealers only folks.

Heard of two more scammers at work in the last 2 or 3 days, some are using Facebook claiming to be in Tokyo and registered companies and members of JUMVEA and when challenged they dissappered.

People coming to us with horror stories about losing all kinds of money, we cannot help sorry folks, you need to use common sense and varify the sellers details, JUMVEA members can be verified on JUMVEA'S website and for a start don't deal with some one who friends you on Facebook unless you have done your homework on them.

Easy to get auction pics and tell everyone your a legit dealer, but lets see them back that up !


Rant over for now.