On The Tipping Point MAL61/2024 | Page 5

These continue to grow and thrive in spite of the many challenges that one faces in trying to do business across borders . In the same spirit we celebrate the many partners we have worked with in various countries to deliver a superior marketing experience .
The publication does not operate in a vacuum and it ’ s intended target audience live in countries that have evolved over two decades to be what they are today . Using the Pestel analysis model it is fitting that we describe the space in which we operate in .
Two decades ago , Kenya was transitioning from a repressive regime and fortunately the president who took up the mantle from the Moi era was a calm and handsoff president that gave Kenyans time to heal and put aside blatant abuse of power .
As a publication we recorded as honestly as we could the mood of the day and the business environment . Although not apparent at the time the shift in government policy and a ‘ can do attitude ’ made the country rise from decline and set on a path of recovery .
The capable hands of a president that believed in meritocracy allowed the many talented public officials to thrive and perform . The publication decried the enshrining of a half-baked constitution which the president was forced to accede to .
The results of that unfortunate document , although opening up the democratic space , was to give the country an overrepresentation and with it an impossible wage bill that saw multiple layers of role duplication enabling inefficiency and wastage .
The publication has maintained an honest and truthful analysis of the country and the region as a backdrop to where Kenyans do business . There is a real legal and economic risk to telling the truth in an environment where lies and deception reigns .
On our twentieth anniversary , we find ourselves in an unprecedented social upheaval , led by a formless movement aided by technology , but the message is very clear that massive institutionalized corruption is chocking the country .
A publication records and shapes social narrative and as such we have kept fidelity in the sanctity of truth and the democratic principle that allows dissemination and access to information that eventually assists in making better judgement and fosters accountability .
A generation is considered to range from twenty to thirty years and the publication is now also speaking to a target group that was not born at its inception . This means that the publication has had to evolve to remain relevant .
The advent of the digital era has had a significant impact on the publication which is now primarily a digital product , targeting and interacting with netizens who consume the product in an entirely new way that opens up myriad opportunities .
We sincerely celebrate this opportunity to serve and be part of the country ’ s evolving tapestry as we intend for the brand to be alive and well for the generation that is being born today and to always align with the truth .
The advent of the digital era was proclaimed as the death of print media but in reality , it just heralded a new era of multiple possibilities and in true marketing fashion , the product or service adapts and adopts the reality of the day even as it shapes it .
As we celebrate the last two decades and look forward to the next two , we would like to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all those who have in anyway contributed in making our existence a reality while proclaiming that in God we trust .
The new kid on the block is called AI and we will embrace its challenges and possibilities and as you now appreciate , even AI has to be marketed if its potential is to be realized . And to the new brave world that is emerging we declare ‘ A Luta Continua ….’