On the Pegs - September 2021 Volume 6 Issue 9 - September | Page 110

bummer dab . From then on , I was able to clean the rest of it . I ’ m happy to be pretty consistent on stuff that looked intimidating in certain spots , and hopefully keep riding well tomorrow .”
GasGas ’ Daniel Blanc-Gonnet would trade positions with FactoryONE Sherco ’ s Will Myers . On a three-way tie at 18 points with Beta ’ s Alex Niederer going into the second loop , Will would take a twopoint lead over Daniel despite having a mechanical issue but wouldn ’ t be able to hold on for the third loop . A mistake early in the second loop caused Will to come off a rock , smashing his bike and cracking the case , draining all the transmission fluid and requiring immediate maintenance at the pits . An hour later , he was back out and completed his final sections with time to spare . Will would finish with 52 points , but was given a 5-point penalty for not following course rules , ultimately seeing him finish in fifth place with 57 points , only seven points behind Daniel .
“ Today was kind of a roller coaster to be honest ,” said Will . “ I started off pretty strong on my first lap and that ' s previously where I struggled in the east coast round , so I