On the Pegs - October 2021 On the Pegs - Volume 6 Issue 10 - October 2021 | Page 193

words and photos by Kim Conley
September 11th and 12th Ryan Young held a trials school in Ohio . The trials school was put on by the Vintage Movement which consists of Bob Wentzel and Ted Guthrie , and it was held at the Wentzel Racing Compound in North Benton , Ohio . They provided snacks and lunches both days and even had music entertainment Saturday evening . There were 17 in all who participated .
First morning was learning bike set up , bars , levers , tire pressures , suspension , then it ’ s off to start learning how to be a better trials rider . Starting out with balance and working all way up thru hopping wheels and wheelies then to logs and turns and then double blips , to jap zaps and then to the favorite of most of the group the splatter ,, they learned it all packed into two days of non-stop attempts , and successful rides . Also Jerry Young surprised us with a visit … Great weekend for sure and beautiful weather .
When asked how the weekend ' s training went , the trainees had nothing but positive takeaways .
" I learned how to hop the front wheel which will help in sections ," said Cary Wagner . " I learned more about balancing the bike more with the handle bar and not your feet . The double blip is going to be useful in sections to help when you don ' t have much room to jap zap an object . Peg pressure was very helpful . Walking a section fairly quick from start to finish then studying it
Cary Wagner